The mystique that surrounds the craft of writing—especially when it touches on those writers who have gained fame in their literary pursuits—is inescapable. If you endeavor to become a writer or to improve your fortunes or gain visibility among fellow writers, you’ll likely be interested in the top hangouts.

To that end, we’ve started a series on Google Plus to showcase some of the more interesting writers’ hangouts around the world. Each highlight includes the location on Google Maps, so that if you’re in Oxford, Paris, London, New York, or another equally compelling locale where writers gather, the locations are easy to find.

The Eagle and Child, located in Oxford, was the hub and meeting place of the literary luminaries who gathered every week for almost 30 years. Among the more prominent members of the group, C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien frequently held court there and exchanged ideas.

Follow us on Google+ to catch all of the Writers’ Hangout posts (as well as to gain insights into other aspects of epublishing, writing, and the ebook world. We’re planning actual hangouts and seminars using Google’s tools, so a follow today will have you prepped for the upcoming events as we announce them. Hope to see you there.

The Eagle and Child from St Giles Street” by Ozeye – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

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