Narrated version of Dick’s “Beyond the Door”

Narrated version of Dick’s “Beyond the Door”

Philip K. Dick was one of the most prolific and influential writers in the science fiction field. Many of his works have been adapted to film and television and his ideas have energized many other writers. His novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, was adapted...
Giving New Life to Broken Computing Devices

Giving New Life to Broken Computing Devices

Xmas is over. Your shiny new iPad Mini is unwrapped and ready for many years of ebook reading. But there remains a nagging problem: what to do with the old iPad Mini with the badly damaged glass on the front panel assembly. You investigated the costs of having it...
Scribd Gets Vocal and Romantic

Scribd Gets Vocal and Romantic

The ebook subscription service Scribd has just expanded its catalog offerings with a mountain of audiobooks—30,000, if you’re counting. This is a small fraction of the existing Scribd ebook catalog, which now surpasses 500,000 titles, but it represents a...

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