Comics on Kobo

Comics on Kobo

It would be difficult to find any form of literature or popular storytelling that hasn’t made its way into digital form in recent years. Comics have begun to show an increasing presence in online bookstores as color tablets and high-resolution smartphones have...
Another Bookless Library

Another Bookless Library

In a trend that appears to be on the upswing, another US library has opened devoted entirely to digital works. The rationale behind this move by Florida Polytechnic University is that students will have access to a greater range of ebooks (about 135,000, with...
Sinking Piracy. But is DRM Your Best Option?

Sinking Piracy. But is DRM Your Best Option?

At first glance, the proposition seems simple enough. You work hard to write and produce your ebook and, quite reasonably, you expect to be rewarded for your efforts. Common sense dictates that you should take precautions to protect your work. And nowhere does this...
To Kill a Mockingbird Goes Digital

To Kill a Mockingbird Goes Digital

  A long-standing holdout from the ebook revolution, Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird, reversed her earlier reluctance to release her 54-year old classic work in digital form.The book is now available as both an ebook and digital audiobook. Quiet and...
Famous Writers’ Hangouts—The Series

Famous Writers’ Hangouts—The Series

The mystique that surrounds the craft of writing—especially when it touches on those writers who have gained fame in their literary pursuits—is inescapable. If you endeavor to become a writer or to improve your fortunes or gain visibility among fellow writers,...

Library Patrons Slowly Discover Ebooks

  Some intriguing statistics emerge in this Forbes article by Jeremy Greenfield. Despite the fact that some 75 percent of libraries now offer ebooks, only 12 percent of those who regularly read ebooks have borrowed an ebook from a library. Awareness seems to be...
Unearthing Favorite Books from Years Past

Unearthing Favorite Books from Years Past

As we have often said on this site, one of the major advantages of ebooks is the ease with which they can be produced and distributed. With printed books, you’re always facing the dilemma of initial cost. The price per copy drops substantially as you ramp up for...
Building a Community of Writers

Building a Community of Writers

A couple years ago I moved from Portland, Oregon to Portland, Maine. (What can I say, I like Portlands!) But despite the identical names, they’re very different cities. I’d been in Oregon for a decade, spent much of that time immersed in the various writing and music...

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