Forging a Link Between Writing and Money

Forging a Link Between Writing and Money

This interview by Anne Hill with Jane Friedman and Manjula Martin explores the tenuous and elusive link between money and writing, as well as the birth of a new magazine, SCRATCH, that serves to demystify the methods for getting paid for your writing efforts. Some...
EYI: The 7k Report on Author Earnings

EYI: The 7k Report on Author Earnings

Hugh Howey at describes an innovative data mining study to determine whether it is in an indie-author’s financial interest to self-publish. The 7k Report ePublish Yourself Intelligence Hugh Howey reports the following: The major booksellers...

EYI: Top 25 Ebook Bestsellers

Jeremy Greenfield at Digital Book World lists the top 25 ebook bestsellers, this week dominated by Veronica Roth with the Divergent Series. HarperCollins Continues Dominance of Top of Ebook Best-Seller List ePublish Yourself Intelligence The top 10 books (see the...
A New Source of Revenue for Indie Authors?

A New Source of Revenue for Indie Authors?

(Photo credit: Fréderic) There has been a bit of chatter among authors surrounding Amazon’s new Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, which allows Amazon Prime members to borrow up to one book a month for free with no due dates. Much of the controversy revolves around...

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