It would be difficult to find any form of literature or popular storytelling that hasn’t made its way into digital form in recent years. Comics have begun to show an increasing presence in online bookstores as color tablets and high-resolution smartphones have overcome the modest display capabilities of early grayscale ereaders.

Kobo has recently become an advocate and participant in this trend, offering a selection of comics from Marvel, starring popular superheroes including The Avengers and Captain America. Marvel is no slouch in the comic book universe, as noted in the web guide developed by an independent team (of five Parisian students, no less) that profiles 3,659 comics and 2,556 superheroes that have appeared in their pages over the last 75 years.

As reported by Publishing Perpsectives, with the typical accompanying press release quote:

“Marvel is excited about our partnership with Kobo and happy to have the opportunity to provide fans, new and existing, another great way to experience our legendary content,” says David Gabriel, SVP Sales and Marketing for Marvel Entertainment.

While Amazon’s ComiXology has a solid lock on digital comic distribution at the moment, it’s a healthy trend seeing others widening the competitive landscape.

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