Nathan Meunier started exploring self-publishing opportunities nearly a decade ago, but his efforts have recently gained momentum with the introduction of his Indie Author Success Series. With new strategies and a creative approach to promotions, he’s increasingly putting more energy into his self-published ebooks while keeping other passions—such as game development, journalistic writing, and music—active and alive.
During the course of this talk, we discussed survival as a freelancer, storytelling as a means of brand marketing, and the rise of audiobooks.
We published a chapter excerpt from Nathan’s successful title, Write Short Kindle Books: A Self-Publishing Manifesto for Non-Fiction Authors, earlier this year. If you’ve been delaying taking advantage of the opportunities of epublishing for the Kindle, thinking that you didn’t have several months to devote to writing a two-hundred or three-hundred page book, you might discover that short ebooks have a particular appeal—both for authors and for readers.
For news and updates about his latest self-publishing adventures, visit